Brain Games
In the video called "Amazing Anamorphic Illusions," random objects like a shoe or roll of tape are shown on a table. Our brain looks at these objects and says they are real physical tangible things that you could grab right off the table, but these objects are actually 3D pieces of paper that can play with our mind to make them look real. This is just one example of how our mind can be tricked to believe in something that's not what it seems to be. (I watched this video, and I was shocked that they weren't real! Like, c'mon brain! Get good!)

Sine our brains are used to "normal visual experiences," it can be easily manipulated with the right knowledge. Illusions are used by multiple magicians and the common thieves or entertainers to trick our minds and put us under a sorta spell. When our brain is put into an uncomfortable situation, where it is being forced to react in a way it has never been taught to, it becomes confused, skipping past and not seeing the hidden message/action. This makes it easy for us to be vulnerable, as the brain games take over.
Our brain is an amazing part of us. Although it can sometimes be unbalanced and easily fooled, it does so much for us, and lets us understand the world around us. There may be many more games to come, but we can handle it. :)
- Web: The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress
- Web: Amazing library with visual phenomena and optical illusions, explained
- Video: Acquired knowledge and its impact on our three-dimensional interpretation of the world-Anamorphic Illusions
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