
Till It Happens to You

Till it Happens to You How does a person tell a woman that getting raped was her fault, and if that is not worse enough, tell her she needs to keep quiet and just let it go?      Every year, thousands of students attend colleges all throughout the U.S, taking classes, going to parties, and overall just enjoying the college experience. No one ever expects to be grabbed by what seems to be a “nice guy” and forced against their own will, only to wait and be still as the man at the fun fraternity party rapes them.      This is not a rare occurrence. Multiple women, and even men, go through the terrible trauma of being sexually assaulted. The aftermath of these encounters is very unnerving, the victim having a constant fear of their oppressor, symptoms including PTSD and lowered self-esteem, as well as an overall lack of motivation to go to class, sleep, and function like a “normal” human being. Many of the women who are sexually assaulted on campus never tell their story, and

Blogs End, But Never Will We Forget The Things We've Learned

              This is a final blog to express the ideas, theories, and knowledge I have only so lightly grasped at for such a short period of time. This past semester, I have had the opportunity to learn the multiple different sections that make up the study of Psychology. From Nature Vs. Nurture to Haunting Phobias and Positive Psychology, I have delved deep into the secrets of the mind and how we as humans are affected by its complex contraptions. How the Psychology of the brain can manipulate our choices, our actions, and who we are, as well as fool us, make us forget, and even create the different realities we live in. Over the past few months, I have looked over different methods and theories behind how our minds work and the experiments that have been done to test the limitations of humanity. Using this Blog, I hope to share, with whoever cares to understand, the enlightenment and guidance I have obtained through my course in Intro to Psychology, a class which has opened

3 Good Things

     Listed below are 3 positive things that happened each day of this past week for a consecutive 7 days:  Pictures!! Day 1:  Day 2: Day 3:  Day 4:  Day 5:                                   Day: 6 Day 7: Reflection:      During this past week, I pushed myself to make the best out of each day. Although there isn't always much cushion room when you have a super busy schedule, I was able to spend time having fun and making the best out of every situation. It's very difficult to sit down at the end of every night and actually think of the good things that went on during your day. I noticed a lot of the good things that happened were because of my own doing, rather than the people around me doing things for me. They are not wrong when they say it is up to you to make it a good day or not. This week has been an exciting self realization for me. Although you can only see the good that made its way through my days, I've realized I have a lot of good t

Counselors Save Lives #CounselorsHelp

     This month is mental health awareness month, which means it's a time show gratitude for all the people who have helped others go through the worst of mental pain and be there for the people in our lives who have suffered from such symptoms as anxiety to anger and even loss.      This past week, I got the opportunity to interview a special person in my life who has experienced such metal illnesses, and I was able to listen and  hear their story, one of the millions of stories out there which need to be heard. As the information that will be discussed in this blog post is private to the person and the person does not want to be named, I will instead use the fake name Alice to describe them.       Alice, a couple years back, had been going through a rough time in her life, as her parents were, at the moment, in the process of getting divorced, and she could not do anything about it. She felt powerless and worthless, blaming herself as a reason for one of the reasons

March For Our Lives, Our Future, and all the Good that's Left in the World. #PsychStory

          Right now, in the beginning of our lives, we have a choice to make, to either fight back or lose the ongoing war that fills our schools, our communities, and our hearts. On March 24th, 2017, we took a stand. We left our homes, we drove miles on end and flew across the country to march for our f reedom and for our safety. It wasn't just over protective parents or government leaders or activists on the go. It was children of all ages and races and gender from all around the world. It was celebrities and families who heard a call for justice and knew this was their time to rise up and tell their truths. I'm not talking about a specific person and their story. I'm talking about a movement of society to reach unimaginable goals and achieve a united purpose of change.      T he "March For Our Lives" movement gave the people a voice, students, parents, and all the leaders of the world giving their voice to stop guns and save lives. Kids of all ages spoke ou

You Probably Won't Remember This Blog

            Memory is something every person has, some better than others, but we all need it as a basic way of survival. One of the topics over memory that stood out to me was Sensory. This idea fascinating idea that we can see a picture or hear couple words in just a second, and our brain is able to capture that second and give us the ability to retain it. I also thought it was really interesting how when we don't need certain memories anymore, our brain just throws them away, reasoning why we can't remember our first birthday or what we even wore two days ago. The only memory that is kept is what we hold most valuable or we continuously practice.      Although our brain has the ability to preserve memories, sometimes our brain doesn't work the way it's supposed to, as overtime and sometimes earlier than usual, our brain can lose it's grip and start to malfunction, causing permanent damage. Two common examples of this would be short term and long term memory