Just Because Birds Have Wings Doesn't Make Them Good Flyers.
The topic today I am going to discuss is Nature vs. Nurture. If you may have heard of these two ongoing debaters, but have never taken the time to truly understand what these two words mean, I am here to tell you the believed truth of both sides. Starting with the basis of the conversation, there are two different ideas about us (you and I) living organisms and how we are put together, from our anatomy to our skills and talents and every single part that makes up who we are.
If you are on the nature side, you believe that everything comes from genetics, from our height to being good at math or even the way we feel. Nature believes you are who you are because of your DNA, not because of your experiences or environments or own will power to achieve greatness. Nurture is the complete opposite. With the idea of Nurture, it is believed that you are you, not because of your genetics, but because of your environment, experiences, and your hard work. Nurture believes you are who you are because of your surroundings, and because you made the choice to become that person.

Some examples of Nature vs. Nurture would be how Nature believes "genetics has a high impact on obesity and high blood pressure," while Nurture believes that obesity/ high blood pressure is due to "poor eating habits" and "the limited ability to regulate personal habits."
Another example would be Nature believing a child who "acts like [their] mother [is this way because] they were predisposed to the hereditary influence of the[ir] mother," while Nurture believes that since the kid aged under the presence of their mom, being like their mom was a "learned personality." A study was done also on twins to test how genetics plays a part on who they are, having an effect on "personality characteristics" as well, as playing a part in "sexual orientation, and religiosity."

If someone were to ask me
what side I am on, I would with no doubt choose nurture. I believe that we are all molded by our experiences and our choices. If you want to be an amazing basketball player, having a greater height from genetics would be beneficial, but it is all up to

Now that I have stated this idea of Nature vs. Nurture, I encourage you to look more into this topic of belief yourself, and make your own decision on whether our lives are determined by Nature or Nurture.
(Also, if you are looking for more examples on what Nature vs. Nuture is, here are a couple links that you can go to get a better picture of how each side is reflected: http://www.softschools.com/examples/science/nature_vs_nurture_examples/482/
https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-nature-versus-nurture-2795392 )

Hey, Benjamin! Awesome post. I really enjoyed reading it and I agree with you about being part of the nurture side. From someone thats been through many things I really think that those things have made me who I am today. Of course, some of it is genetics but I think most of it is nurture!